
Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Research Officer, Supply Officers, Commercial Officer, Legal Officer, and Clerk Jobs in Kenya

Water Resources Management Authority (WRMA) is a state corporation established in July 2005, under the provision of the Water Act 2002 of the Laws of Kenya.

The Authority is a non-profit, service oriented corporate body under the Ministry of Water and Irrigation.

It is charged with the responsibility of providing leadership in the management of water resources countrywide. 
It is also subject to the State Corporations Act which guides all state corporations in Kenya.  

The Authority wishes to fill the following vacant positions with dynamic, result-oriented and self driven individuals;

1.    Chief Planning, Research and Development Officer

Scale 4 ( Re-advertisement)

The Position
The Position is that of a Component head leading one of the key functions in the organization. 
The position is a direct report to The Chief Executive Officer. 
The roles cut across all functions of the organization. 
Except for The Board’s Audit Committee whose function is independent, the function interacts and prepares reports for all the other Board Committees from time to time.
Key Responsibilities
Identification of new areas for research and functional improvement; 
liaising with stakeholders and donors for research funding; undertaking research on identified aspects; 
documentation and dissemination of findings; 
recommending appropriate measures on findings; 
Initiating implementation of identified solutions to the research findings; 
and evaluation of catchment plans identified for research.
The Planning Function entails policy formulation, monitoring and evaluation; 
project planning, implementation and management; and initiating Performance Contracting strategies and objectives. 
Coordinate and Manage employee performance management systems. 
Coordinate preparation, implementation and review of organization strategic plan
Qualifications & Experience
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:-
Bachelor’s degree in Economics or related field 
A minimum of 4 yrs experience in a similar role or equivalent,
Master’s degree in Economics or related field
demonstrated merit and ability in work performance and results,
demonstrated ability in production of implementable research proposals
2.    Chief Supply Chain Management Officer

Scale 4 ( Re-advertisement)

The Position

The officer will be head of procurement function and will report to the Chief Executive for management of the   unit. 

Key Responsibilities

Duties and responsibilities at this level will involve; 
assisting the head of procurement in initiating policy on procurement; 
conducting market research; preparation of procurement plans; 
assisting in reviewing, updating, interpreting and implementing existing supplies policies, regulations and procedures; 
disposal of unserviceable stores; 
preparation of procurement plans; 
sourcing for suppliers; 
stock control, stock taking and stock audit.
Qualifications & Experience

For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:-
Served satisfactorily in the grade of Senior Supply Chain Management Officer or in a comparable position in a reputable organization  for at least four  (4) years;
A Bachelor of Commerce degree (Supplies Chain Management) or Business Administration or their equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;
A Master’s degree in Supplies Management, Business Administration or their equivalent from a recognized institution;
Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supplies Level 6 or higher;
Computer application skills; and
Attended a Management course for 4 Weeks or more and Shown merit and professional competence as reflected in work performance and results.
3.    Senior Supply Chain Management Officer

Scale 5

The Position

The officer will be the principal deputy to the head of the procurement function

Key Responsibilities
Duties and responsibilities at this level will involve; 
assisting the head of procurement in initiating policy on procurement; 
conducting market research; 
preparation of procurement plans; 
assisting in reviewing, updating, interpreting and implementing existing supplies policies, regulations and procedures; 
disposal of unserviceable stores;
preparation of procurement plans; sourcing for suppliers; 
stock control, stock taking and stock audit.
Qualifications & Experience

For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:-
Served satisfactorily in the grade of Supply Chain Management Officer or in a comparable position in a reputable organization  for at least four  (4) years;
A Bachelor of Commerce degree (Supplies Chain Management) or Business Administration or their equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;
Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supplies Level 6 or higher;
Computer application skills; and
Attended a Management course for 4 Weeks or more and shown merit and professional competence as reflected in work performance and results.
4.     Supply Chain Management Officer

Scale 6

The Position

The officer will assist the head of supply chain management function in various locations where the organization has presence including The Head Office, Central water testing laboratory and the regional offices

Key Responsibilities

Duties and responsibilities at this level will involve; 
assisting the head of procurement in initiating policy on procurement; conducting market research; 
preparation of procurement plans; 
assisting in reviewing, updating, interpreting and implementing existing supplies policies, regulations and procedures; 
disposal of unserviceable stores; preparation of procurement plans; sourcing for suppliers; 
stock control, stock taking and stock audit.
Qualifications & Experience

For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:-
Served satisfactorily in the grade of Supply Chain Management Assistant or in a comparable position in a reputable organization  for at least four  (4) years;
A Bachelor of Commerce degree (Supplies Chain Management) or Business Administration or their equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;
Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supplies Level 4 or higher;
Computer application skills; and
Attended a Management course for 4 Weeks or more and shown merit and professional competence as reflected in work performance and results.
5.    Chief Commercial Officer

Scale 4

The Position

The officer will be head of Commercial function and will report to the Finance and Administration Manager for management of the   unit.  

Principally, the position will oversee revenue generation, permitting and enforcement of water use permit rules

Key Responsibilities
Ensuring timely, complete and accurate billing  services and subsequent collection; 
Managing and supervising all Billing & Revenue collection, Ensure that all revenues collected are banked intact daily; 
Monthly Reconciliation of Revenue account; 
Monthly Reconciliation of individual customer account; Maintenance of customer accounts;  
Developing short-term business strategies and making recommendations for long-term strategies; Formulation, and implementation of appropriate revenue and billing computer programmes for effective management information system that would ensure safe receipt, keeping and retrieval of all relevant data and information; 
Preparation of quarterly and annual budgets for the department; 
Preparation of monthly, quarterly and annual reports for revenue collection& Billing; 
Setting of monthly, quarterly, and annual revenue targets; 
Resolving all customer complaints and making quarterly reports thereof,  Supervision and development of Billing & Revenue staff; 
Liaise with Community development department in formation of WRUAs. 
Liaise with WRUA’s in matters pertaining to control of abstraction. 
Inspection of Water Sites and making preliminary investigation.  
Make recommendation regarding the scrutinizing of water permit application. 
Assisting in publicity of abstractions and compliance. 
Undertaking prosecuting of cases involving illegal water abstraction in liaison with relevant authorities. 
Conduct  quarterly Staff performance appraisal in the department; 
Co-coordinating with the Human Resource Department in the determination of training needs and the development of appropriate training programmes for all relevant staff in the department
Qualifications & Experience

For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:-
Served satisfactorily in the grade of Senior Commercial  Officer or in a comparable position in a reputable organization  for at least four  (4) years;
A Bachelor  degree in Hydrology, Finance, Accounts or their equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;
A Master’s degree in Business Administration or equivalent from a recognized institution;
Computer application skills; and
Attendance of Management training for 4 weeks or more Shown merit and professional competence as reflected in work performance and results.
Professional qualifications and members to professional qualifications will be an added advantage
6.    Senior Legal Officer 

(1 position) – Scale 5

The Position

The Senior Legal Officer will report to the Chief Legal Officer who heads the legal function.

Key Responsibilities

Duties and responsibilities at this level will entail:- 
advising the Authority on legal issues; 
initiating policy research on legal issues;
reviewing legal documents/instruments, opinions and briefs; 
ensuring safe custody of collaterals and chattels and other organization properties; 
preparing briefs, papers and memoranda;
developing strategies for stakeholder consultations and engagement; 
taking legal action where necessary to protect the interest of the Authority in pursuance of its mandate; 
drawing Contracts and Agreements and initiating periodic legal reviews of Water Resources Management Authority Act and other relevant rules where necessary in liaison with the office of the Attorney General; 
liaising with external law firms on litigation involving the Authority either in insurance or other claims; 
providing legal counsel on legal and legislative issues impacting on the Authority; 
providing legal support and services to the programmes in which the Authority will be involved;
and provision of secretarial services to the Board of Directors 
Qualifications & Experience
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:
Served for a minimum period of four (4) years in the grade of  Legal Officer;
Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) degree from a recognized institution;
Been admitted as an Advocate of the High Court;
Attended a Strategic Leadership Development Course lasting not less than four (4) weeks;
Demonstrated managerial, administrative and professional competence in work performance; and
Proficiency in computer applications
Demonstrated ability to prepare reports and meet deadlines 
7.    Clerk of Works

Scale 6, 3 positions on 1 year contract

The Position

The position will be specifically to supervise construction of World Bank funded WRMA offices in various locations in the Country. 

The programme expires by June 30, 2012. 

The position reports directly to The Chief Executive Officer

Key Responsibilities

An officer at this level will supervise construction of designated office buildings including preparation of payment certificates, organizing site meetings and preparation of minutes of such meetings, recommendations for any variations in site verification and approval of construction materials.

Qualifications & Experience
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have:-
Have at least 5 years’ experience in supervising building construction, supervising donor funded construction will be an added advantage
Have at least a Higher Diploma in Building Construction
Be computer literate
Submission of these applications close on Wednesday June 6, 2012 at mid-day. 

People with Disability and Female Applicants are specifically encouraged to apply

Kindly note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted

Interested candidates should complete provided application form and submit a brief write up stating their overall suitability for the position together with a detailed CV that clearly addresses the ability to perform the key responsibilities to:

The Chief Executive Officer
Water Resource Management Authority
P O Box 45250-00100

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