
Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Government Jobs in Kenya

(The National Land Commission Act, 2012)

Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 7 and 8 of the National Land Commission Act, (No. 5 of 2012) and the First Schedule thereto, the Selection Panel invites applications from suitably qualified persons for the positions of Chairperson and eight (8) Members of the National Land Commission. 

In the spirit of promoting the national values and principles of governance of inclusiveness, equality and protection of the marginalized, women and people with disability are encouraged to apply.

A. Chairperson of the National Land Commission

(Number of Vacancies: 1)

For appointment as Chairperson of the National Land Commission, a person should:
hold a degree from a university recognized in Kenya;
have knowledge and experience of not less than fifteen (15) years in matters relating to any of the following fields:-
Public administration;
Land management and administration;
Management of natural resources;
Land adjudication and settlement;
Land law, land survey, spatial planning OR land economics; OR
Social Sciences.
meet the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution; and
have had a distinguished career in his/her respective field.
B. Member of the National Land Commission 

(Number of Vacancies: 8)

For appointment as a Member of the National Land Commission, a person should:
hold a degree from a university recognized in Kenya;
have knowledge and experience of not less than ten (10) years in matters relating to any of the following fields:-
Public administration;
Land management and administration;
Management of natural resources;
Land adjudication and settlement;
Land law, land survey, spatial planning OR land economics OR
Social Sciences.
meet the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution; and
have had a distinguished career in his/her respective field.
C. Please Note:

In compliance with Section 8 (3) of the National Land Commission Act, 2012, a person shall not be qualified for nomination and appointment as Chairperson or Member of the Commission if the person:
is a member of Parliament or County Assembly;
is an official of a governing body of a political party;
has at any time within the preceding five years, held or stood for election as a member of Parliament, a county assembly or as a governor;
is an undischarged bankrupt;
has been convicted of a felony;
has benefited from or facilitated an unlawful or irregular allocation, acquisition or use of land or other public property; or
has been removed from office for contravening the provisions of the Constitution or any other written law.
D. How to Apply

Manual applications should be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Application for Chairperson, National Land Commission” OR “Application for Member, National Land Commission” and addressed to:

The Chairperson
National Land Commission Selection Panel
Public Service Commission of Kenya
P.O. Box 30095 – 00100

Applications may be posted to OR hand delivered and signed for at the Commission Secretary’s Office on 4th Floor, Commission House, off Harambee Avenue.

Electronic applications may also be submitted as a MS-Word attachment to

Each application should be accompanied with a detailed curriculum vitae, a copy of the National Identity Card or Passport and certified copies of academic certificates, testimonials and other relevant supporting documents.

Scanned copies of these documents must accompany applications.

The names of all applicants and those shortlisted for each post shall be published in the print media after the closure of the advert.
Shortlisted candidates may be required to submit additional information and will be subjected to a public interview process.
The salary and benefits for these positions shall be determined by the Salaries and Remuneration
The Chairperson and Members of the Commission shall hold office for one term of six (6) years.
All applications should reach the Public Service Commission on or before 30th May, 2012; latest by 5.00 p.m.

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