
Friday, 25 May 2012

NGO Consultancy Opportunity

Consultancy Opportunity
Concern Worldwide is an International Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization dedicated to the reduction of suffering and working towards the ultimate elimination of extreme poverty in the world's poorest countries. 

The organization has been working in Marsabit and Kajiado over the last five years under its livelihoods and nutrition programmes with a range of interventions. 

Having moved into a new strategic plan covering the period 2011-2016, Concern is seeking to strengthen its programming in the ASALs within these two counties of Kenya.
Applications are therefore invited from suitably qualified individual consultants/firms for the following position:
Position: Consultant - ASAL Programme Baseline Survey 

Location: Nairobi - survey will be conducted in Marsabit and Kajiado Counties
Job Summary:
Reporting to the ASAL Livelihoods Programme Manager, the position holder will be expected to design and undertake a comprehensive baseline assessment for the ASAL programme in Marsabit and Kajiado Counties. 

Specifically, the consultant will design a suitable methodology and develop tools for collecting secondary and primary baseline data in line with project indicators, sampling design and analysis. 

Key technical areas of expertise required include: pastoral food security and livelihoods, coping strategies, household composition and asset levels, natural resource management, livestock health, production and markets. 

The consultant will assume overall responsibility in quality assurance and managing the survey with the best qualified team composition, analysing and compiling data and presenting baseline report based on a format agreed with Concern.
Expected Outputs:
Comprehensive baseline survey report with practical recommendations in addressing the situation; cleaned version of the raw data used to produce survey results and feedback of survey findings to the partners at the field level and at the national level.
Summary of Essential Qualifications and Inputs:
The key qualifications for the consultancy are (but not limited to):
Extensive knowledge of the technical areas of the programme, a strong understanding of the local community dynamics, the local culture and expertise in livestock health, production and marketing.
Experience in managing, carrying-out and analysing large representative household and community surveys. This will be augmented with a track record in delivering research data gathering, compiling and analysis on time. 
Experience with pastoral livelihoods analysis is crucial.
Demonstrable capacity to field and manage a high quality team of field staff and enumerators with continuous, high quality support and quality control at all stages of the process.
Extensive experience working in developing countries and leading assessments of complex programmes implemented by governments and/or NGOs. 
Substantial experience carrying out research among pastoral communities in Kenya, as well as a track record of working successfully with governments and donor agencies.
The detailed ToR for this position may be obtained by sending an email to the following address:
Interested applicants should submit the following:
Letter of expression of interest and demonstration of capability
CVs of key personnel to be involved
Both a technical quotation (how you propose to undertake the assignment, and work plan) and a financial quotation (in Kenyan shillings)
Applications should be submitted to the 

Human Resource Manager, 
Concern Worldwide, 
P.O. Box 13850-00800, 

via the following email address:
The closing date for application is Friday, 8th June, 2012. 

Applicants will be short-listed on the basis of their qualifications and work experience ..
Concern has a Code of Conduct and a Programme Participant Protection Policy to ensure the maximum protection of programme participants from abuse and exploitation.

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