
Monday, 2 April 2012

UNICEF-Programme Officer - Planning, Policy, Monitoring and Evaluation (NOB)

Terms of Reference for TA

Position Title:  Programme Officer, Planning, Policy M & E, (Temporary Appointment –TA)
Level                : NO-B

Location          : Nairobi
Duration         : One-year

Reporting to   : Planning, Policy M&E Specialist


Kenya’s long term development plan -Vision 2030 aims at creating a cohesive, equitable and just society based on democratic practices that recognize equality among all people. The social pillar also emphases the right to education, health, water and sanitation and housing. Kenya's Ministry of State for Planning, National Development and Vision 2030 launched the Social Budgeting Guidelines in June 2010.  These guidelines are well in line with the latest constitution which empowers the citizen to demand for more social accountabilities as evidenced through Chapter 4 on the Bill of Rights. Specifically, Article 43 on Economic and Social rights which includes: Health Care, Housing, reasonable sanitation, Freedom from hunger and adequate food, Clean and safe water, Social security and Education.  The Social Budgeting initiative is one key step towards ensuring more equitable social development via engagement of the ‘claim holders’ as well as “duty bearers” to promote transparency, citizen participation and shared accountability for human rights fulfilment. The Social Intelligence Reporting (SIR) is a data gathering tool prescribed under the social budgeting guidelines and that provides the evidence for engagement. The social intelligence reporting process and tool is increasingly beginning to play a crucial role in safeguarding the rights of the people particularly children and women who are more vulnerable to unfavourable social and economic changes.

One of the core components of the Social Budgeting Initiative is the establishment and strengthening of sectoral, sub national and claim holder capacities to demand, utilize and allocate resources and increasingly take charge of their own development. Within the GoK-UNICEF programme of Cooperation 2009-2013, UNICEF-SPME has supported the Ministry of State for Planning and National Development in rolling out Social Budgeting and Social Intelligence Reporting (SIR) in 47 districts with the aim of scaling up to all districts/counties by 2013 . In order to facilitate the scale up of quality social budgeting and social intelligence reporting to sectors, districts and counties, UNICEF-KCO plans to recruit a temporary programme officer who will support the SB/SIR scale-up activities for a period of one year.

Scope of Work/Responsibilities
Under the guidance and supervision of the Planning, Policy M&E Specialist, the staff member will focus on addressing the thematic areas within the section that facilitate and empower children, women and communities to claim their rights under the Social Budgeting (SB) and Social Intelligence Reporting (SIR) framework. This temporary appointment will contribute to the intermediate result 2:  National and sub-national authorities allocate and utilize sufficient public resources to prioritize equity in child rights and gender for education, nutrition, health, WASH and social protection by 2013.

Specifically, this position will:
·        Provide coordination and analytical support towards the roll out of social Budgeting and Social intelligence reporting to counties and districts including sectoral observatories and analysis of their readiness to implement SB/SIR
·        Support the SB/SIR quality assurance activities including the follow-up of actionable points, monitor their closure, provide technical quality control in SIR reports  and  document lessons learned including identification of  challenges for further upstream policy engagement
·        Support the updating of the national SIR database, setting up county/district databases including the  online PDA data upload from county/district offices with the support of the MoPND/districts/county offices;
·        Support the routine activities related to the production of the biannual MoSPNDv2030-SPD SIR newsletter by analysing SIR data and report writing.
·        Support the review of SIR design including the manual and data gathering tools/review process and the initial evaluation of SB/SIR
·        Provide technical support and coordination of other social budgeting planned and on-going national and county activities, focusing on overseeing quality of SIR review process and data including SIR capacity building activities and evaluations.
·        Support the advocacy activities for SB/SIR leading to the development of 2 advocacy products (Factsheets and videos).
·        Mapping of other partners engaged in social budgeting and social intelligence reporting related work, and support the sharing of knowledge and lessons learnt at national and sub-national levels.

The position will work in collaboration with the various focal persons in the various Counties/districts as well as focal persons at the Ministry of State for Planning, National Development and Vision 2030 and other government ministries/departments where applicable. 

Expected Deliverables

1.      Coordinate/support the roll out/ up scaling of social budgeting/social intelligence reporting to sectors, counties/districts. This includes initial assessment of their readiness to implement social budgeting and social intelligence reporting and capacity development related activities. 
·        Support the setting up of sectoral observatories at  sectoral and county-levels in identified areas
·        Support the capacity building/development. This will entail organising training for county, sectoral and district SB/SIR officers.
·        Monitor their phased implementation progress and provide timely feedback to national level policy entities (UNICEF and Ministry of Planning).
·        Technical support provided to hold at least 2 national and provincial level observatories in a year.

End Result(s):
Opportunities for empowerment and engagement of communities to claim their rights supported through practice of social budgeting and social intelligence reporting by sectors, counties and districts.

2.      In collaboration with other Ministry of Planning, coordinate activities aimed updating the National level SIR database and establishing county/district SIR databases including the web enabled PDA web-link data entry and extraction for supporting the SIR online platform. 
·        Update the national SIR database regularly
·        Facilitate the establishment of county/district SIR databases and routine updating
·        Provide technical support in the analyses of SIR data and report writing including the biannual SIR newsletter
End Result(s):
Updated National SIR Database analysed and SIR reports generated highlighting social sector service delivery progress and challenges. 

3.      Coordinate opportunities for enhancing SIR quality assurance, support identification and follow-up of actionable points including their closure.
·        Provide technical support to quality assurance missions/field visits that monitor the quality implementation of SB/SIR practice (reporting/templates/formats for various levels/sectors).
·        Monitor progress in implementation of actionable points highlighting challenges, experiences, and lessons learned under various levels, such as facility or sector.
·        Identify actionable points for escalation to higher levels and make appropriate follow-ups for implementation
End Result(s):
Service delivery and development challenges (bottlenecks) in social sectors identified in a timely manner and appropriate actionable follow-ups made to tackle them at various levels/sectors taking into account their extent and magnitude

Desired background and experience

·        Advanced university degree in economics, statistics, or other development related discipline with relevance to UNICEF’s work on community participation and in development, monitoring and evaluation OR two years of relevant work experience in the field Monitoring and Evaluation.
·        At least two years progressive experience working for an international NGO/organization in public health, budget analysis, community empowerment and social monitoring.
·        Familiarity of tools and approaches related to community empowerment/development and analysis of data on children, women and vulnerable groups;
·        Strong skills and proven track record in community development, service delivery, social monitoring, data analysis (quantitative and qualitative) and familiarity with data compilation and manipulation skills
·        Outstanding report writing skills and ability to present data and graphics in a user-friendly manner;
·        Knowledge on issues related to human rights programming, community empowerment, equity, gender issues, and budget analysis, public health, bottleneck analysis, child development  and related monitoring of  service delivery  at various levels etc;
·        Ability to synthesize analytical/technical information into simple, understandable manner;
·        Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, and an ability to communicate with partners of diverse backgrounds.
·        Experience working in remote areas and for the UN or other international development organization is an advantage.
·        Fluency in English and Kiswahili

Conditions (Important)
The TA is expected to commit fully to this task and respect the attached rules and regulations governing UNICEF TA appointments.

Applications quoting reference number KCO/PPME/2012-15 should be addressed to:

Human Resources Manager
UNICEF Kenya Country Office

Closing date for receipt of applications is 11 April 2012.

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